Impacted stories
Hear, feel, and experience the impact of oil & gas on our communities.
Impacted Stories:
“It’s in my backyard. One full year of noise lights and smells. Sick animals… I am under 800ft from 4 large fracking sites!!!!! With crazy vents!!! This is not good and safe for our community. It’s a shame.”
“I fully support continuous community air monitoring and consider it to be a wise and prudent investment to promote public health, safety, and welfare, now and in the future.”
“We are newer residents to Erie, and have been quite shocked by the air quality here, and the level of fracking going on in the area. If Erie is going to allow fracking, they need to also monitor the air for the people that live here.”
“I have had headaches since they started and trouble sleeping due to noise and vibration. I would ask the town to implement air quality monitoring to help keep O&G within regulation.”
“We left Erie because of the open-ended policy on fracking, lack of willpower to take a firm stance against oil and gas by the Erie board of trustees, and the dismantling of beautiful pristine space and the poor air quality.”