Health & Safety
Fracking is destroying our public's health
Understand The Risks
The Compendium of Scientific, Medical, and Media Findings Demonstrating Risks and Harms of Fracking (Unconventional Gas and Oil Extraction) documents over 2,000 peer-reviewed studies that have pointed to negative health outcomes and issues related to living in close proximity to o&g operations.
Health Risks
Asthma & Shortness of Breath
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Asthma & Shortness of Breath
People with asthma who live near bigger or larger numbers of active unconventional natural gas wells operated by the fracking industry in Pennsylvania are 1.5 to four times likelier to have asthma attacks than those who live farther away, new Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health research suggests.
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Headaches, Nausea, & more
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Headaches, Nausea, & more
Fracking can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, skin Rashes, and burning eyes.
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Congenital heart defects
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Congenital heart defects
Fracking can lead to congenital heart defects and
acute heart failure.
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Low Birth Weight In Babies
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Low Birth Weight In Babies
Fracking can lead to low birth weight in babies, premature births, and increased risk of childhood leukemia.
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Increased Cancer Risk
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Increased Cancer Risk
“My tongue, lips, and limbs all swelled up,” he writes. “I’ve had three teeth snap off. The first two broke while I was eating garlic bread and spaghetti. I have burning rashes all over my body that jump from place to place.” Moyer has seen over 40 specialists across West Virginia and Pennsylvania. “One told me that I had bed bugs. Another said it must be a food allergy.”
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Mental Health
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Mental Health
"According to a 2020 study of “unconventional” oil and gas production in Colorado, such as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, development activity near local communities and homes can trigger chronic stress. Ninety percent of respondents reported experiencing chronic stress, with a key cause being their inability to influence where industrial development projects are placed, and how close they can be situated to community members’ homes or their children’s school."
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Safety Risks
Fracking is jeopardizing our public's safety
In 2017, there were over a dozen Oil & Gas related fires and explosions in Colorado alone.
The most well-known tragedy is the home explosion in Firestone that killed two men, severely injured a mother, and forced a small child to jump from a window to escape with his life.
Although oil & gas operations can take place as close as 2000 ft (or closer) to homes in Colorado, emergency responders have stated that the evacuation radius for oil & gas leaks and explosions is typically anywhere from 2500ft to over a mile.
Explosions, spills, and leaks
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Explosions, spills, and leaks
- April 2017: Firestone
- September 2017: Gas leak at Greeley football game
- June 2018: Three workers were injured during an explosion in Windsor
- August 2018: Overturned truck spills hundreds of gallons of toxic fracking waste in Poudre Canyon
- October 2018: Several workers were injured during the explosion in Briggsdale
Fast Facts
Naturally occurring radioactivity is often brought up to the surface during the drilling and fracking process.
In 2019, the CDPHE released its Final Report: Human Health Risk Assessment for Oil and Gas Operations in Colorado which recommended no less than 2,000 ft setback.
Between January 2015 and February 2021, over 3,400 resident complaints were filed with the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission citing health and quality of life issues.