A new bill, “Modifications to Processes in Energy and Carbon Management.” a.k.a. the Phase Out & Clean Up bill, co-championed by 350 Colorado and WildEarth Guardians, will soon be introduced in the legislature. There are already 19 groups pledged to get involved by supporting publicly, testifying to legislators, and/or helping mobilize their members to help.
This bill would phase out the approval of new oil and gas permits by 2030, prioritizing disproportionately impacted communities for reduction, and holding operators responsible for the cleanup costs. It would not affect production from current wells. It also has provisions for follow up on the study to determine how to support oil and gas workers and communities put in place last year by HB23-1074.
This bill is different from the 2024 ballot initiative (introduced by Safe and Healthy Colorado) that is still underway. This bill includes important changes to law to hold operators responsible for clean up costs – and if the bill passes without a veto from Governor Polis it will be law by June. It works hand-in-hand with the ballot initiative. We need a groundswell of public support now for this bill. Stay tuned for ways you can help get this bill passed!