5/9/23 UPDATE: the highly anticipated bill, HB23-1294 has finally passed both the House and Senate and is awaiting Gov Polis’ signature. Maddeningly, the bill was further weakened by multiple amendments in the last days of the legislative session (details HERE).
4/21/23 UPDATE: unfortunately, under pressure from Gov. Polis, the Colorado Chamber of Commerce & business special interests, the HB23-1294 bill has been watered down to remove the most important stricter permitting provisions (see articles HERE and HERE and HERE).
On 4/13/23, the Colorado Legislature introduced the long-awaited “Protect Colorado Communities from Pollution” bill. If passed, this bill (HB23-1294) would strengthen air quality permitting rules for oil and gas operations and other sources of commercial and industrial pollution, such as warehouses, distribution centers, rail yards.
Among other things, the bill would require the AQCC to regulate pollution caused during all phases of fracking operations, not just a few. APCD and COGCC would also be required to evaluate emissions from an entire wellpad instead of each well individually. This bill gives APCD more power to investigate violations, would allow civil actions, and public enforcement/input.
This bill includes six new regulations that would reduce ozone precursor emissions for the Denver Metro/North Front Range ozone non-attainment area. And importantly, the bill would increase coordination between CDPHE and COGCC.
ARTICLE: Industry Critics: Proposed legislation threatens to limit oil and gas industry in Colorado. (read the article here)
ARTICLE: Colorado oil companies gear up to fight proposed ozone legislation (read the article here)