Solar Instead of Fracking

Language: How about a massive Solar Farm?

I am writing to express my concern about the proposed fracking (2 pads with 26 wells) in the Centerra area in Loveland.

I moved here in May 2021. I chose this community because of the promoted sustainability as well as the community amenities. The Lakes of Centerra website states we’re certified ‘wild’ (National Wildlife Federation), with two lakes, miles of trails, and 150 different kinds of birds, fish, and mammals.

I first learned of the McWhinney plans to frack in Centerra in January 2022. I was deeply disappointed since this community advertises pride in the wildlife habitat sustainability.

Since learning about the proposed fracking in January, I’ve discovered:
• The EPA air quality rating for the Front Range is going from Serious to Severe.
• Countless fracking sites are spewing toxins into our air.
• Fracking takes millions of gallons of water per well, which becomes contaminated and cannot be reused!
• Loveland lakes are low and we’re now in yellow status per the Water Shortage Contingency Plan.

The Guardian recently posted an article, US fracking boom could tip world to edge of climate disaster, which a fellow resident forwarded to Troy McWhinney. McWhinney responded by asking for solution suggestions, saying he was “in full support of renewables, I wish they were powering the world today”. She replied with things she’s done (solar in her home) and stated her concern about climate change. She told McWhinney she “would love to see a massive solar farm in Centerra instead”; this would make him a true hero.

The McWhinney website boasts sustainable development: “We are committed to sustainable development and care for the environment.” So, how about a massive solar farm, instead of fracking our lovely community endangering our air and water?

Tamara F. – Loveland


Read full letter on the Reporter-Herald

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