Colorado Rising Responds to $18.25 Million Fine for Firestone Tragedy


Contacts: Anne Lee Foster: 757-870-5102,


Colorado Rising Responds to $18.25 Million Fine for Firestone Tragedy

DENVER, COLORADO – Today, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission announced it is seeking an $18.25 million penalty, against Kerr McGee, a subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum. The penalty for the Firestone tragedy, which occurred April 17, 2017, and resulted in the death of two civilians.

Anne Lee Foster, Communications Director for Colorado Rising responded, “This settles the score once and for all that the recklessness of the oil and gas industry resulted in the tragic death of two innocent men. While we thank the COGCC for holding the industry accountable, we can’t help to notice the fallacy of COGCC Director Robbins’ statement. Robbins says it is his duty to protect public health and safety, yet the COGCC has only enacted one set of rules since the oil and gas reform bill was passed almost a year ago. These rules dealt directly with the prevention of another tragedy like Firestone, yet the new rules would not have accomplished that according to one of the surviving victims, Erin Martinez, who became an advocate in the wake of the tragedy. Colorado Rising calls on the COGCC to stop approving permits until they pass regulations that truly prioritize public health and safety, not corporate profits. We also call on the COGCC to not waive 90% of the fee, which is a customary action from the agency.”


Colorado Rising is powering the grassroots movement to protect public health & safety from dangerous oil & gas operations.

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