February 6, 2020
Contacts: Anne Lee Foster: 757-870-5102,
Oil and Gas Ballot Initiatives Clear First Title Board Hearing
Signature Gathering Should Begin By Early Spring
DENVER, CO – Yesterday, February 5, 2020, the six proposed sets of ballot initiative language to better regulate oil and gas extraction in Colorado cleared the first hurdle to be approved to gather signatures. The Ballot Title Setting Board approved all six sets of language to move on in the process to appear on the 2020 ballot in Colorado. The final petition should be approved for circulation by early Spring.
The citizen-led, pro-health and safety group, Colorado Rising, has introduced the language in response to the failure of the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission to implement new oil and gas legislation (SB-181) effectively. Since the signing of the new law over 1,000 new wells have been approved in Colorado with none of the protective measures or impact analysis required by SB-181.
Colorado Rising was the effort behind Proposition 112, the 2500 ft. oil and gas setback initiative, that was on the 2018 ballot. Prop 112 gained over 1.1 million votes, yet failed by a mere 5.2 points, despite being outspent over 40 to 1.
Colorado Rising is powering the grassroots movement to protect public health & safety from dangerous oil & gas operations.
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